New Benthic Underwater Microscope Described in the Journal Nature Communications

Today results from our work on the Benthic Underwater Microscope (BUM) were published in Nature Communications. The article Underwater microscopy for in situ studies of benthic ecosystems reports on the development of the BUM and its application to studying several important benthic processes in situ. The paper was authored by Jaffe Lab members Andrew D. Mullen, Tali Treibitz, Paul L.D. Roberts, and Jules Jaffe; as well as coral ecologists Emily L.A. Kelly, Rael Horwitz, and Jennifer E. Smith.

We would like to thank Dr. Amatzia Genin who provided support and critical guidance during the studies of coral polyp behavior, which were filmed at the Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences in Eilat, Israel. We also thank the Keck Foundation for their support funding the instrument development. Additionally we thank the National Science Foundation, Link Foundation, and Binational Science Foundation for supporting Andrew Mullen’s research.

Below are several videos and articles covering the work.

New York Times:


UCSD interview with Andrew Mullen:


Interview with Jules Jaffe

Nature Video:


NSF Science 360 Video:

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LUMIS2 returns from successful field work In Bocas del Toro

Last week the CVCE team returned from a very productive trip to Bocas Del Toro in Panama. We worked out of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Bocas.The field work included a large array of different imaging systems including LUMIS2.


The first few days were devoted to maintaining tags of over 250 corals. After completing the maintenance work, we set out to collect images from all tagged corals, setup new transects, and focus in on nearly 45 targeted corals with six different sample modalities including:

  • White light RGB imaging
  • Fluorescence and reflectance spectrometer data
  • LUMIS and 5D fluorescence imaging
  • PAM data
  • Tissues samples
  • Genetic samples

All told it was a great trip with many successful imaging studies happening in parallel. A big thanks to the whole CVCE team!

FAD sonar returns from one month on FLIP

December 4, 2007 – The FAD Sonar just returned from a month long deployment on board of the R/P Flip. It was used as a supplemental instrument to measure fish and plankton aggregating around Flip during the FLIP07 SCORE experiment conducted by John Hildebrand and Elizabeth Henderson. We’d like to thank Liz for an outstanding job of running the system throughout the 30 day deployment and recording 30 Gigabytes of data that we can’t wait to analyze!