Market squid runs off La Jolla Shores beach

Lately the market squid (Loligo opalescens) have been causing quite the stir in the local dive community here in San Diego. They can be found in large numbers all along La Jolla Canyon off of La Jolla Shores beach. The videos below were taken by a member of Dr. Jaffe’s lab, Justin Haag, using a GoPro camera.

Not only are they interesting to observe, but other animals have also taken an interest.

You can get more information about the squid and watch more videos over at the Southwest Fisheries website.

LUMIS2 returns from successful field work In Bocas del Toro

Last week the CVCE team returned from a very productive trip to Bocas Del Toro in Panama. We worked out of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Bocas.The field work included a large array of different imaging systems including LUMIS2.


The first few days were devoted to maintaining tags of over 250 corals. After completing the maintenance work, we set out to collect images from all tagged corals, setup new transects, and focus in on nearly 45 targeted corals with six different sample modalities including:

  • White light RGB imaging
  • Fluorescence and reflectance spectrometer data
  • LUMIS and 5D fluorescence imaging
  • PAM data
  • Tissues samples
  • Genetic samples

All told it was a great trip with many successful imaging studies happening in parallel. A big thanks to the whole CVCE team!