Fall is underway, and we have a new publication coming. This link will take you to the article about our new publication. It’s about how Joe Walker used the SUITs, data augmentation, and domain adaptation techniques to tackle the challenges of underwater object detection.
(Sampling locations, dates, and methodology. (a) Data were collected from two regions (red boxes) in the Tropical Pacific Ocean. (b) Study sites from the Tuamotu Archipelago region, which include the islands Takapoto (TAK), Rangiroa (RAN), and Huahine (HUA). The sampling date for each study site is reported as MM/YYYY. (c) Study sites from the Palmyra Atoll, which include sites in the southern (PS), southwest (PSW), and northwest (PNW) parts of the island. (d) For each study site, a survey plot (100 or 200 m2) is defined and imaged by divers in a grid pattern. (e) Photograph of the SUIT.)